Hey there! My name is Andrea Mai.
I’m the owner of Be Well Content and Pure Light Project.
I’m here to help you CRAFT & SHARE YOUR MESSAGE as well as educate and inspire your audience. My specialty is helping you find your voice and use it well.
Powerful shifts are happening in our world. Business is changing. Everything’s changing. Whatever content you use to establish your expertise, authority, and value to others must cut through the noise out there.
Creating lasting relationships with your clients and audience means giving them the information and inspiration they need in a meaningful way.
That’s the long-term value of content marketing. What you build today can impact people for years to come if done right – which means your company benefits.
My ideal client is someone who is ready to have a positive impact on our world. That’s personal for each of us, and I look forward to hearing what that means to you.
If you want to bring heart to your industry, let’s talk.
Custom Copy & Content:
- Website copy
- YouTube/Video channel title, thumbnail, description/summary, transcriptions
- Books, Lead Magnets, Worksheets, Product Descriptions
- Podcast episode titles, show notes, transcriptions
- Blog posts
- Case studies and articles
- Magazines, flyers, brochures, and other publications – digital and print
- Editing of your existing material includes website, articles, bios, and more.
- Social media posts and strategy
Ready to write a book?
I offer a variety of options as a Writing and Self-Publishing Coach, Book Doctor, and Developmental Editor.
Convert your course or blog into a book – and vice versa
Do you have a course, either free or paid, that you share with your audience that would be excellent in a workbook or how-to guide/tutorial?
What about a motivational course? Ever thought of turning that into a companion book or workbook? Let’s talk. This is an area I have a lot of experience with.
And flip that idea on its head. Turn your book into a course (part of it or all of it!). Maximize your material for multiple delivery methods, different learning styles, audience building, and streams of revenue.
Whatever it takes to get your big project out into the world, I have the skills and resources to guide you through the process of crafting a book and independently publishing it.
Writing and Self-publishing coach
These start with a 20-minute complimentary call to discuss your project and if I am the right one to help you.
Areas I coach and consult on include:
➢the writing and self-publishing process,
➢ accountability, creativity, focus, completion, getting started, motivation, honing your message, resources to take your writing to the next level
➢ distribution models,
➢ where to find editors, cover designers,
➢ building a platform,
➢ setting in place your plan for success, and more.
Coaching packages are available.
Interested in working with me? Have questions?
Set up your complimentary 20-minute Discovery call at:
Email: admin@bewellcontent.com
or call 615.669.8742
About Me
I am fascinated by people and the choices we make to support a life that is meaningful. I’m the one with a whole lotta questions. Call it research, call it being curious, maybe even nosy.
Let’s get to the heart of what makes us tick. That curiosity extends to systems and processes. How do people or companies streamline, improve, make change? What are the benefits and consequences of it?
One of my projects, LIFElihood.cc, was built around my book of the same title. I used that platform to interview people in all sorts of businesses and industries. There was a podcast for a while. And I wrote books, career guidebooks, and workbooks to support people taking a close look at their relationship to work, time, money, and intention.
Some of my books can be found on the Be Well Books page. I’ve written a bunch of books both fiction and non-fiction with many more coming out. Mindfulness and meditation have been the main subject of my non-fiction books. You can check out another of my blogs at www.mindfuljournal.net.
My clients are intentional, heartfelt, and ready and open to sharing their unique qualities.
Theys are bringing light to the world, each in their own way.
“What’s your secret sauce, your magical quality, the thing you bring to everything? Let’s tap into it!”
Want to work with me? Have questions?
Contact me at admin@bewellcontent.com or call 615.669.8742.
I’m excited to connect and chat about your project!
Be well,